This customer group consists of companies that offer products in public environments, kitchens and bathrooms. This primarily means products for tap-water systems for kitchen taps and showers/baths. It also involves machines for coffee breaks at work that make coffee or cold drinking water. In addition, we have several customers in bathrooms for the home environment and in public environments.
Hoses manufactured in special lengths are a great success factor here. Customers can order hoses and connections in the lengths they want. We can then keep stocks or manufacture in accordance with the customers’ wishes. We also have products that prevent water leakage, which is naturally also appealing to insurance companies. We obviously also have shut-off valves for this area.
So you will find our products in the home, at work and in public environments. We also sell our products to customers who have to meter water and energy use in the home. The way in which these are assembled differs from one customer to another. We are specialists in several parts for several interconnected components. We adapt our products precisely to the customer’s systems. Customised products and systems are generally assembled in our production facility.